Palliative Care

Palliative Care

Palliative care is an approach that improves the quality of life of pets with a serious illness.

The goal for us at IVet Services is to:

– stabilise the symptoms, and the illness where possible
– minimise pain, discomfort and distress
– provide appropriate additional supportive measures, and thereby improve and maintain quality of life.

The relief of any pain and suffering is central to palliative care.

Palliative care is suitable for your pet if it has:

– cancer
– organ failure (advanced organ disease) e.g. kidney failure or heart failure
– debilitating arthritis or a neurological condition impairing mobility
– dementia
– an undiagnosed disease for which further diagnostics or treatment options are declined and comfort care is sought

What matters to you matters to us at IVet Services, and helps guide how we can best help you care for your pet and meet your goals of care.



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