Future Projects

Animal welfare project in Brazil

The year of 2022 will be dedicated to build up the work of IVET Services, and the starting point will be a fundraising campaign to build a low-cost veterinary clinic in Curitiba, Parana, south Brazil, from scratch, our first project.

Why in south Brazil?

Curitiba is one of the biggest state capitals in Brazil with an estimated 1.9 million people, and the canine and feline population in the state of Parana is about of 6 million animals. 

The regions of south and south-east Brazil together include the majority of the population in Brazil. The Brazilian population is estimated to be about 213 million people and it is estimated that one in four in each household has a pet.

The majority of the animals in Brazil are owned, but there is a large amount of animals running free on the streets, and there are many cases of animal cruelty and infectious diseases (including zoonotic diseased like Rabies).

It is also important to highlight that Brazil is also one of the biggest producers of meat and animals products in the world and the need for improvement in animal welfare is huge.

IVET Services initially will be concentrating to offer veterinary services (preventative care, neutering, education) to the community, training on animal welfare to other veterinary practitioners and food producing companies, advocating animal welfare.

The IVET Services mission is to improve animal welfare, considering the FIVE FREEDOMS that are globally recognised as the gold standard, encompassing both the mental and the physical well-being of animals. 

They include:

– freedom from hunger and thirst;

– freedom from discomfort

– freedom from pain, injury and disease;

– freedom to express normal and natural behaviour

– freedom from fear and distress.



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